Saturday 23 January 2010

Tin Tin's style in Jan 2010

Webcam-captured shots are unclear, i recognised. Posting them here because of (a) your pleasant smile and (b) an attempt to keep record of your physical development.

Your sweet innocent smile presents a strongly true motivation to your parents and your being-beloved, you know.

Smile is a medicine to cure stress and most of the bad emotional circumstances...agree? should it be one of the best resolutions ever? Smile smile smile...

My winter trip to Nagoya, 27-29 Dec 2009

Collectivism and individulism are two controversial concepts. Being a good team player is to let collective decisions win. Is it true?

The decision for this trip was made based on strong desire of two people while the rest have just been neutral. Thought, this was one of the best alternatives.

Since the schedule of trip conflicted with Christmas and upcoming New Year celebration, almost all resorts were closed. Then where I visited, seemed like many if counted.

1) Light-up pictures were exhibited on the Nagoya Eiki building. It was just where the bus stop from KOBE to Nagoya located. It was thought joyful to see all of these but meanwhile my feeling was flying to Cambodia for my lovely princess. Seeing all of these cute decoration made me homesick...wishing to have my family here too...I really missed you lovely princess.

2) Yellow towel (not a golden towel, I guessed) locates nearby the place called Oasis where we all spent our first night visit. It was also closed to Grace Inn Hotel where we stayed.

3) Toyota shi literally means Toyota factory. We arrived there just at the right time aiming to observe Toyato production line but it was also on New Year vacation. What can we do? A compensation to a failure of the attempt of visiting Toyota shi, Expo-park was proposed.

4) The beautiful natural view is the expo-park. Thought, there are many entertainment games to play if it was not under renovation. Lavendor already died during the winter...I couldnt smell you and I couldnt capture your beauty. It was unfortunate again, isnt it?

5) Osu is similar to shopping street. The attracting factor of visiting there was pearl shopping. The place was famous to Cambodian student in Nagoya for brand new and second-hand pearl jewellery. Camera was not allowed in the shop, thus, no photo sharing here. Oh, we were enjoying tasting Brazilian roast chicken there, thought.

6) Nagoya Daigaku was the assemble point.

Nagoya was known as the third largest city in Japan in term of its population after Tokyo and Osaka. However, the place was not so attractive to tourists or at least most of Cambodian and international students. Althought, there were not many interesting places there, our trip was an enjoyable gathering with many Cambodia fellows in Nagoya. Withouth their kind sharing their busy time guiding us around, we would not have been moving in many places both in Nagaya ken and Ai-ken. Appreciated them for warm welcome and guiding around.

Thursday 21 January 2010

The first dinner at Oriental Hotel at Kobe Harbor Land was a celebration for BongSengTha'BD

My first youner brother's wedding party!!!

Dec 27, 2009 was the one of most important days in my brother's life, thought, I missed the chance. What I could do was only to send my distant very best wishes for this new married couple.

Moreover, this day was coincided to a schedule of my trip to Nagoya which kept my distance from my access to internet. Came in the night, I was so curiously looking forward to receive calls from my husband or my beloved youngest sister to update me about the happiest moment of the celebration.

Eventually I got to hear that from my youngest brother. This news relaxed my worry and allowed me to have a good night sleep.

My brother and sister-in-law, may this lucky day begins your happy, joyful, successful and prosperous journey in the rest of your life. Welcome to our family^0^

Friday 15 January 2010

My last birthday celebration for my supervisor


Fortunately, the first day of class with sensei after the winter break coincided with his birthday. We thus have had the opportunity to celebrate him a surprise birthday. For this reason, we have eventually happened to do little special memories on his day for him for two times.

The 13 January 2009 falled on Tuesday which was the schedule of the seminar for Econometric Theory and Method by Davidson Mckinnon, the first ever most difficult textbook we have had and most expensive books I have bought. In that year, the celebration was jointly decided, thought under my initiative, by all seminar members, namely, Kaori-san, Kenta-san, Li and me. The arrangement was set up during a small break hours.

The 13 January of this year, 2010, was on Wednesday which again the day of a first class for Environmental Economics which lectured by him. Since I and Li are attending the seminar, I was unable to prepare a cake and a card for him. In stead, Eriko-san and A oi-san were responsible for every thing including logistic arrangement to gathering all his under-his-supervision students to join and procurment task. They have a done a very great job, thanks a lot to them. Eriko did not buy a normal wishing card but she presented with a rather childish big birthday card but it was a nice card. Joining the rush of 20-minute break party were Kaori, Kenta, Eriko, A oi, Li, Ning, Kondo, Yamamoto, of course Chanthon.

Opened the door with the birthday cake with many friends followed, Kaori san presented and Eriko san started singing a Happy Birthday. He was happy and suprised. He expressed his thanks to all us for such a celebration. But, guess what he claimed during the time that...I am so surprised in deep but birthday celebration is so not any more happy moment since I was turning 40 years old. Hahah, maybe it is true to everyone and to me too, such a thing may not be any more an expecting celebration when getting older and older. Thought, time was a bit inconvient, but it was an enjoyable moment we had with each others.

This is my last chance of the 13 Jan in Japan. This day's next year will surely no my presence in Kobe any more because I have to return home to meet my most lovely daugther at the end of this year. For the sake of my future career, my family, and of couse my beloved country too, I have to capture and get knowledge by any means to enhance my future professional career. Hard work and endeavor reward at last...gambatte gambatte!!!!!!!!!

p.s. including two of last year's pics...noticed that?

Tuesday 5 January 2010

The happy link for KON

Kon Tin's first day in Class