Wednesday 4 March 2009

Stormy Life Pursuing For Happiness

Away from family is really hard time and inconvenient life. Life is full of struggling and challenging with the new environment as we move on along the way. Lonely life make us so exhausted to continue our journey of life. Life become so stressful and sadness due to the family members are living in different part of the world. As time goes by, we will reach our goals and capitalize our joyful with family. We move forward with hope and full expectation, and we believe that our destination is infront of us....

Lovely daughter is motivated us to look beyond the limitation and resistant to the difficult situation we might face. We stand firmly to confront all the difficult situations and pursue to seek for the happiness.

Please try hard to overcome all the problems. Borng and Kon are backing you up........

We will be together soon....We will never ever forget our duty/obligation as parents....

Don't give up... be proud na Aun..

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